1977 BMW 630csi: H&B

brake caliper rebuild

someday up to six years ago the brakes on the car decided to seize unbenounced to me until i was behind the wheel. the rebuild was very time consuming, with many many steps.

  • you can still get the rebuild kits with a little wait.
  • for the prep i used brake cleaner and gasoline, with a great deal of brushing.
  • followed by a soak in evapo-rust to loosen & remove pistons. a close inspection of the pistons and channels gave me hope for a rebuild.
  • i sanded the pistons with 1500 grit paper, more brushing followed
  • then another soak even longer for all bits, several days.
  • a cleaning in brake clean & a new soak method but this time in ATE super blue 3 days
  • reassemble

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